broccoli risotto

I was studying when I realized I had only 20 minutes to prepare lunch….

So I’ve made this risotto with broccoli which came out so tasty, healty and easy do to!

Here is the recipe:

first of all you have to bring some water to boil into a saucepan and put in some broccoli cut into lenght

in the mean while chop some shallots and put into a pan with just a little of extravirgin olive oil (1tbsp or so)…cook until the shallots are softened (I use to add a little of water so I can avoid to use too much oil)

now you can add the rice and pan-toast it… add some  white wine and let it evaporate

ok, now you can add a little of the water  where  we were cooking the broccoli….once it evaporates, cover the rice with water as well as the broccoli …

ok, don’t touch it!! let just evaporate the water and when it’s almost done add 1 tbsp of turmeric , black and white pepper and some greated parmesan cheese…it will turn out so creamy…

Buon Appetito 😉